Inspire Me
Below are a selection of projects we are most proud to have worked on...
Commercial Design
Below are a selection of projects we are most proud to have worked on...
Below are a selection of projects we are most proud to have worked on...
Below are a selection of projects we are most proud to have worked on...
So your kids have
left home
The question is what do you do with their old room?
The kids are grown up and have left home to go to university or begin a new working life elsewhere, so now you are officially an empty nester. This may be a blessing or a trauma, but the one thing you have gained is extra space that you can now use as your own.
We believe there are many possibilities (or options) for you to consider which will practically and creatively re-purpose this room, and here we run through some of our favourite ideas and options for your new home space. Let’s look at what can be achieved